Use required, 5.40
Division of municipalities into, 5.15
Enforcement of division requirement, 5.18
Write-in candidates, invalidated, 7.50 (2)
elections_2. absent voting 2. Absent Voting
Absent elector, definition, 6.85
Allowed for all qualified voters, 6.20
Ballot, obtaining, 6.86
Ballot preparation and distribution, 7.15 (1)
Challenge of mail vote, 6.93
Civilian U.S. employees serving outside states, 6.22
Community-based residential facilities, 6.875 (2)
Confined or disabled electors, 6.86 (2)
Construction of law, 6.84
Death of voter, 6.21
Electronic voting systems, 5.81
Federal postcard request form, 6.865
List of applications kept, 6.89
Marking, and mailing ballot, 6.87
Military electors, 6.22
Nursing homes, voting procedure in, 6.875
Overseas electors, 6.24
Peace corps volunteers, 6.22
Presidential elections, former residents, 6.18
Procedure, 6.87
Receipt and recording of ballot, 6.88
Retirement homes, 6.875 (2)
School district elections, 120.06 (11)
Absent voting, see Elections—2. Absent Voting
Alcohol referendum, local option, 125.05 (1)
Ballot boxes, requirements, 5.35 (3), 7.37 (3)
Constitutional amendment, 5.64 (2)
Contested elections, opening ballots, 7.54
County clerk to prepare, distribute, 7.10
Death of nominee, how counted, 8.35
Defective, 7.51 (2)
Destruction, 7.23
Elections board to prescribe and revise, 7.08 (1)
Electronic voting systems, see Elections—8. Electronic Voting Systems
Error in preparation, correction, 5.72
Facsimile, 10.02 (2)
Form, 5.51 to 5.64
Ballot identification, 5.55
Charter convention referendum, 66.0101 (9)
Consolidation of counties, 59.08 (8)
General elections, 5.64
General provisions, 5.51
Multi-candidate elections, 5.52
Multiple columns and rows, 5.56
Municipal bond issue referendum, 67.05 (2)
Partisan primary elections, 5.51 (7)
Presidential elections, 5.64 (1) (em), (es)
Referendum ballot, 5.64 (2)
September primary, 5.62
Special elections, 8.50 (3) (b)
Spring election, 5.60
Spring primaries, 5.58
Voting machine ballots, 5.53, 5.56
Independent candidate, 5.62 (1) (a)
Marking, aid in, 6.82
Menominee county, 7.11
Municipal clerks, duties, 7.15
Names listed, order, 5.64 (1)
Number, 5.66
Publication of facsimile, 10.01 (2) (b)
Consolidated, 5.655
Contents, form, 5.64 (2)
Incorporation as city, 66.0211, 66.0215
Municipal power district, 198.06 (2)
Special, 5.65
Town, division or dissolution, 60.03 (4)
Individual, party committee or candidate, may order, 7.40
Number, color, 5.66 (2)
School elections, 120.06 (8)
Securing, 7.51 (3)
Substitute, 7.15 (6)
Tallying, 7.51 (2)
Vote, by secret ballot, III, 3
Voting, method, 6.80 (2)
Write-in candidates, 7.50 (2)
For president and vice president, 8.185
elections_4. campaign financing 4. Campaign Financing
Campaign treasurers and depositories, 11.10
Campaign grants, 10.82 (4)
Communications for political purposes: